Life is a battle Jabardast shayari.....



Life is a complex and challenging journey and everyday of it is a battle. You’ll encounter obstacles and challenges, but you’ll also experience triumphs and opportunities. Live life to the fullest and make your mark on this world.

1. Life is a struggle. Each day people fight to be seen, feel valued, and experience the finer things in life. Every day is a struggle for excellence. If you do your best and give it your all, nothing can stop you.

2. We fight different battles every day of our life. Every day is a battle. One cannot avoid the battle. Everyone must face the battle to earn the right to live.

3. EVERYDAY IS A BATTLE. Whether it’s winning a game, getting ahead at work, or achieving bigger goals, we know that success is for the taking.

4. Life can be a complex and challenging journey. Throughout life, you’ll experience many battles, but you’ll also face opportunities. Live life to the fullest and define your personal journey.

5. Many people who achieve success lose it because they do not cherish the moment, enjoying the spoils of victory. They are then left to stare regretfully at a past that is gone, unable to move on or progress. Don’t be one of those people.

6. You deserve to be taken care of. We do the hard work so you can focus on building great things. Everyday is a battle. We put in the work and then come home, having achieved nothing and earned even less.

7. We suffer through trying times every day of our lives. Pain, misery, and suffering are all around us, but we are not alone. Life is complex and challenging, but it’s also an opportunity. So take every chance, make every promise, and live life to the fullest. Take pleasure in the journey

8. It’s a fight for freedom and for the ones you love. It’s about embodying what it means to be a fighter. Every day you step into a new world of excellence, filled with hope to conquer the day.

9. The fight is easy when you have what it takes to win. Life is meant to be enjoyed as it is lived. Let us show you the weapons you need to compete so you can rest easy knowing that in the end, you will always win.

10. If you have ever been in a battle, then you know what life is like. Not only is it a battle, but an uphill battle. You have your destiny in your hands. You are poised to become the best version of yourself and mastery is right around the corner.

11. Stay alert and be ready to fight. Life is a battle in which every ounce of skill, talent and determination make a difference.

12. It’s true that life can be challenging. But if you’ve ever been in a battle, you’ll know that it is possible to succeed. Every day is a battle.

13. A good battle plan has many facets, with each facet working in perfect harmony to overcome any obstacle. This site is dedicated to helping you hone those skills and make your life as easy and successful as possible.

14. The journey to self-discovery is an ongoing process that never truly ends. In the midst of chaos or great sorrow, we must always strive to find out what our calling in life is and how we can be fulfilled through our actions because every day of our lives is a battle.

15. every day is a battle, with every twist and turn, you can make the world your own. You can tuck yourself in with a blanket of security or you can use it to encourage others. Each action is an opportunity. When the odds are against you, don’t give up. Your world will change because YOU will change. When something unexpected happens, start over again tomorrow.

16. Every day is a constant struggle, so you better be prepared. Have the right tools for the job, and never, ever give up.

17. Life is a calculated dance. Prepare to dazzle everyone, because every day is an opportunity to shine in spite of the battle we fight daily.

18. Every day is a journey to a better place, yet, while on the journey, we fight the battle of life. As you strive to be better and achieve more, you are awakened to new and different realities. Your ambitions will guide you to your destiny and as you embrace this truth, success will follow.

19. Every day is an opportunity to rise above expectations. You don’t have to do great things, but you can aim to be greater than the last. No one will give you clear space, but you’ve got to fight for it because every day is a battle.

20. Everyday is a battle. At least, that’s how it feels sometimes. You need to be prepared for anything the day could throw at you.

21. You work hard for what you have and who you are. But that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to the finer things in life, because you’ve earned it. But always remember that every day is a battle.

22. At the end of each day, we feel like we’ve barely been able to accomplish a thing; that we’ve worked hard with nothing to show for it – no rewards or recognition. We battle every day for self-satisfaction.

23. Life can be complex, challenging, and difficult. It is also full of opportunity and adventure. Live passionately, boldly, and courageously so that you can truly experience the joy of life.

24. Life is a battle. Every choice you make on your journey defines you and what it is that makes up who you are.

25. Life is an opportunity, a gift, and equally a battle. Make the most of it and make your own journey.

26. Life is a great adventure. Every choice you make on your journey is an opportunity to define your life and go beyond who you are today.

27. Life is about high-end lifestyle and material success. The best things in life aren’t easy. You must fight for your place in the world of luxury, sophistication, and style.

28. Changing your destiny takes hard work and passion. Our goal is to take every opportunity to see the world as it really is. Every day is a battle, you must fight it.

29. Every day is an opportunity to succeed. Success comes from pursuing your dreams with unrelenting passion and a belief in yourself, no matter the odds. The odds are the battle we fight daily. Embrace your ambition and seize the day.

30. In spite of the battle we fight daily, it is necessary to wake up to the sights and smells of the outdoors. Start your day with a nature walk through fresh morning dew in a quiet mountain retreat.

31. Every day is a battle, and life’s a complex one. You’ll fight for what defines you as a person to the very end. Your ambitions will be the guide to your destiny as your embrace truth and success.

32. Every day is a battle – a battle to define who you are. Life is a complex one and its meaning can never be taken for granted.

33. Excellence requires a standard of effort that most are unwilling or unable to give. Even though there will be times that you are defeated, you must rise up with each day as if it was the last.

34. Everyone should be prepared to battle because every day is a battle.

35. Every day is a battle, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start each day out right.

36. Life is a battle. To win, you must be prepared. Life is a journey, not a race. Expensive timepieces mark life’s milestones and make the world go round a little slower.

37. Everyday, we are faced with the challenges of life. These problems wear us down and take a toll on our bodies. We must fight back to feel strong and youthful.

38. Waking up each morning and facing the challenges of a new day is one of life’s greatest battles. But you can make it a little easier.

39. The battle of life is inevitable. Be prepared to fight it because every day is a battle.

40. Every day is a battle and life is a complex one. Every day you’ll fight for what defines you as a person. To be the best, you must train like a beast because we fight daily to stay up.

41. Never give up in life. Successful people are those who keep dreaming and never lose hope. Always keep going strong even when the odds are stacked against you. It is part of the everyday battle we face daily.


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